May 31, 2024

Dick Johnson Racing (DJR) is proud to announce its carbon neutral status has been retained. The Team has renewed its Climate Active Certification from the Australian Government, and the highest level of Three Star Environmental Accreditation from the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), having first achieved these certifications for base year 2020. These milestones reinforce the Team’s commitment to environmental management, sustainability and responsibility by continuing to set new standards in Australian motorsports.

DJR is the first carbon neutral Supercars team and the first carbon neutral professional touring car team in the world. This accomplishment aligns with the Team’s broader goal of leveraging the Repco Supercars Championship platform to make a positive societal impact.

Key Achievements:

  • Carbon Neutral Status: DJR has successfully reduced emissions and fully offset any remaining emissions.
  • FIA Three Star Environmental Accreditation Renewal: Attained the highest recognition for environmental excellence in motorsports.
  • Climate Active Certification: Recognized by the Australian Government for achieving carbon neutrality for all business operations.
  • Sports Environmental Alliance Membership: Joined a coalition dedicated to promoting sustainability in sports.
  • Sustainable Tree Planting: Over 40,000 native trees planted in Australia and involvement with a comprehensive reforestation and community project founded by Dr Ryan Story AM planting over 500,000 native trees in Madagascar.

The key to the renewal of the Team’s accreditation was a focus on energy, waste, and emissions. By aligning with government and environmental standards, DJR has achieved significant improvements in several areas:

  • Diverting renewable energy into the grid.
  • Enhancing waste distribution and reducing landfill contributions.
  • Implementing a conscious focus on reducing travel and transport emissions.

These initiatives have resulted in significantly reducing carbon emissions for every facet of DJR’s business; including on-track and off-track operations, achieving carbon neutrality with the retirement of certified carbon offsets for emissions that could not be totally eliminated.

DJR has worked to restore native forests by planting over 40,000 trees in partnership with Trees For Life and Tree-Nation. This effort includes offsetting the annual per capita carbon footprint of each team member since 2020. The extension of the initial planting has seen Story continue this focus, with his major reforestation and community-building project, planting 500,000 trees in Madagascar launching soon.

Dr Ryan Story AM, Co-Owner and Team Principal, Dick Johnson Racing highlighted the significance of these achievements, stating "The renewal of our FIA Three Star Accreditation and maintaining our Carbon Neutral status for a fourth consecutive year is a proud moment for Dick Johnson Racing. As the first Supercars Team to achieve this, it underscores our relentless commitment to sustainability and our role as leaders in the motorsport community. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of every team member who strives to balance high performance with environmental responsibility. We are excited to continue driving innovation and setting new standards for a sustainable future in racing.

The Hon Andrew Fraser, President of Motorsport Australia and the FIA Sustainability and D&I Committee expressed his support, stating "On behalf of Motorsport Australia and the FIA I commend Dick Johnson Racing on this huge accomplishment. As a Team they continue to lead by example, driving positive change and setting new standards for a sustainable future in motorsport. This prestigious accreditation not only sets a benchmark in the motorsport industry but also demonstrates that excellence in racing can be harmoniously aligned with responsible environmental practices."

Shane Howard, Chief Executive Officer, Repco Supercars Championship Series echoed these remarks, stating "Supercars congratulates Dick Johnson Racing on the renewal of their FIA Three Star Environmental Accreditation and Carbon Neutral Status. As a Team they continue to demonstrate that high performance and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand. This renewal is a testament to the team's dedication, innovation, and leadership in driving positive change within the industry. We're proud to support their ongoing efforts as we collectively strive for a sustainable future in motor racing.

Dick Johnson Racing’s pioneering efforts in environmental sustainability within motorsport continues to set a new standard in the racing industry. As a Team, DJR is extremely proud of this achievement and will continue to demonstrate their dedication and commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Additional Commentary from Dr Ryan Story AM for Editorial

“We are incredibly proud of our achievements and delighted to finally see other Supercars teams and Supercars itself begin to take sustainability seriously after we kicked things off back in 2020.”

“Why? Are we woke? Virtue signalling? No. We are racers. We love competing and love our V8s. We simply recognise that this approach makes what we do sustainable and achievable for the long term. It means we can keep a great product on track for our purist fans and appeal to a whole new audience for whom these things truly matter and make the difference as to whether they choose to engage or not. That’s what sustainability in motor sport is all about – taking responsibility, taking action and focusing on delivering the best possible product on the race track. They are not mutually exclusive!”

“Going carbon neutral doesn’t slow us down, nor does it deter from our core task of competing on the race track. Instead, it enhances it, and strengthens our business by showing that we take sustainability seriously because without it we can’t continue to go motor racing. It really is that simple. With Formula 1 and all their teams achieving carbon neutrality for the first-time last year, it puts them in the best possible position to stabilise and leverage the core relationships within government and corporate enterprise to exponentially grow their reach, quantum of financial support and their sport.”

“To go racing and enjoy what we love to do requires reading the room. Supercars is built upon three pillars. Fan support, corporate enterprise support and government support. We are nothing without our fans, we know that. Yet we have proven that motor racing can be sustainable, our approach consistent with the net zero ambitions of government and corporate enterprise, which is vital for their support to continue and grow. Corporate support equates to marketing, B2C and B2B operations and opportunities. Government support directly benefits our marquee events. Both require a measurable economic return as well as alignment on fundamental principles and deliverables.”

“It’s because of these actions we can maintain a great product on the race track and ensure our fans can enjoy some of the best motor racing in the world in Supercars now and for years to come.”

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